
            About 5 months ago, if you tried to go to the city you would be very aware of the “Occupy Wall Street” gag. You would instantly notice a bunch of hippies, different musical groups, people doing drugs, picketing and screaming, “WE ARE THE 99%”. Am I against speaking out of free will? No. Am I against the idea of the government not doing enough to help out our economy? No. Am I against pure stupidity, incompetence and people just trying to look “cool” and joining a movement that they may not directly know or understand? YES. I have watched a ton of videos, read a ton of articles and tried to understand some of these protestors. Some of them are very knowledgeable and know exactly what they are talking about. Yet, some of them are college students who studied “art” or “music” and are complaining that they can’t find a real job. Others are complaining that they can’t find a job, meanwhile spend their nights and days at the protest. And finally, we have the people that are just there for the hell of it and are changing the movement to the “SEX, DRUGS AND ROCK & ROLLMOVEMENT”. Evidence has shown that this is now the new trend of the movement. My anger out of this movement is what makes me an Anti- Occupy Wall Street protestor, which I will now explain to you why.  
Have you seen some of the interviews of the protestors? I have and I was rather shocked at what I saw. I saw many young college students, some middle age people and then many people that seemed to be homeless and/or looked like a “hippie”. Many of them are arguing there are not enough jobs out there and it is not fair for the Wall Street executives to have such high power and high paying jobs. Demographics show that only about 60% of the people there on Occupy Wall Street have 4 year college degree, meaning that about 40% do not have a 4 year college education or not even a high school education. Unless these protestors have studied business, they would not understand what the people on Wall Street do and how they contribute so much to our economy and how we would all be affected if they did not have a job. After watching some videos, I realized that a lot (not all of course) have a college degree in majors pertaining to music or art. My problem with this is did they think it was going to be easy to find a job with that type of degree? Even any education majors, it is clearly told that it is a very hard job market to get in. Regardless of passion you for it, it comes down that you have to figure out what is realistic and what is best for your future and be aware of your decisions.
Many of the protestors would have a tent and spend their nights there to stay motivated, show their dedication and be there for every minute of the movement. Yet what progress will that actually give them in order to get a job, or if they do have a job, get a job that is better equipped for them? If you ( a protestor) is willing to spend  your time at the movement, then that has become your new job. In choosing to do so, you are going to be doing it for free in comparison to not giving up hope and continue to apply for jobs. Everyone is very aware that this job market sucks but there are many people that have been out of a job for a long time and continue to have hope to getting a job. Complaining about it at a protest where your getting nothing accomplish will not help you get a job. Instead, many businesses are discouraged by the protestors and if an employer found out you protested on Occupy Wall Street, I do not see a likely hood of you getting the job. They would rather find someone that didn’t complain understood the difficulty and never gave up hope. Instead of spending time at the protest, these protestors could be home, maybe studying for different jobs or trying to improve their knowledge. Two professional business gentlemen went to Zuccotti Park one day to protest against the protestors with signs stating “OCCUPY A DESK, GET A JOB”. Even if you become underemployed in your job setting, it is better than not having a job and at least you can quit collecting unemployment and starting making your own money. And for the people that had a job and quit in order to support the movement, it is clearly a waste of time and not thinking about priorities first. I know it’s hard to know you are being underemployed but would you rather spend your days and nights a protest that getting $0? I think I know everyone’s answer.       
Have you seen the movement lately? It has actually caught a new catch phrase, “Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll movement”. Well let me show you a few pictures to give you and idea of what it has become. (INSERT PHOTOS) The city has had many complaints recently about how loud and dirty the area has become due to the movement. As you can see, people are deciding to be “free”, getting naked and sleeping with their mates under a garbage bag. Now imagine trying to walk to work in the city or taking a stroll with your children and having to witness that? Also, since the movement has taken off and created friction with the younger generation, there has been a number of condoms, cigarettes, alcohol bottles and needles lying around the area. Finally, it seems to be a place where you can perform for people. There are so many different types of people with different instruments going there and singing out loud. It seems more like a rock and roll concert then people trying to make a difference. With these 3 problems coming about, it seems like there is a lost of focus and no decent citizen should be supporting such a protest that is very foolish and become very immature.
But lets come toreality and let me tell you a few facts that may change your mind if I haven’t already. Did you know that the top 1 % already pays about 37% of all taxes and the top 10% pays about 68% of all taxes? The bottom 50% pays about 5% to 0% of taxes. Now, how is it fair for the protestors to complain that the “rich” are making all the money when they are the ones paying all the taxes that helps build roads, shelters and pay government workers? Also, about 9,000 firms (mostly banks) are the ones giving jobs to the majority of the nation. These are all true statistics that the protestors still do not understand. The protestors are all attacking the people working night and day being stressed out working on Wall Street, yet no one is complaining about the money that celebrities are making. Angelina Jolie is worth about $120 million and all she does is act. Chris Humphrey is worth $35 million and all he does is playing with a ball on the court. The most shocking is that the Situation is worth $10 billion and he does nothing but be a douche bag. Now why aren’t the protestors attacking them? These were just a 3 examples of celebrities that are making a boat load of money for not doing much. Yet the protestors instead decide to attack the people that spent numerous of years in school which cost over $100,000 or more and work hard for their money
            Now after all the evidence shown, can you blame me for being against the movement? Come on, this movement has turned completely into a joke and notice the mess and destruction it has done; all because they felt like they should “be free to speak their mind”. Well I am now speaking my mind and I feel that they people should just sit in a class room and have some statistics explained to them so they can fully understand why I, as well as many others find them completely stupid. And I know, even after a lecture many of them would either feel very stupid and happy that they are now more educated, will not understand a word that is being spoken or will completely ignore it and still try to fight for something that will not be fixed any time soon. These people have a choice to try again and never give up but how can you try if you’re out living at the protest all day? I was always told as a child never to give up, even when I am flat on my tushy and I feel like I can’t get up, just try a little more and get up and work harder. It has gotten me to the point that I am today and what will help me strive for a brighter future.

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