Thursday, February 23, 2012

Occupy a Desk, Get a JOB!

FINALLY SOMEONE TELLS IT HOW IT IS "OCCUPY A DESK GET A JOB" I found that to be one of the most cleaver lines used within this protest so far. I like it so much because its so true! Yes I have done my research and I am aware that there are some gentleman that are part of the labor force that are within the movement protesting along with them. But as for the others I have 1 question: How can you be looking for a GOOD job if your out in the middle of Zuccotti Park protesting? Do you think people are just going to walk up to you and offer you a job, like giving away candy? NO.
These people protesting are mad at people who WORKED for that position. To be on wall street, you needed a good amount of school done, which typically includes both a bachalors and possibily a masters. I would like to see any of those "dudes" playing drums and painting all over each other even TRY to sit in an accounting or finance class and tell me what they think of it. I would like to address then all the former college students that are protesting on Wall Street. If you have a degree in Music or Art then to give you a little heads up... YOUR NOT GOING TO GET A JOB! Its not our fault that you chose a major (yes you may love art and its your life) but HELLOOOO its not going to get you a job! Lets be realistic for a minute, how many job openings for art and music is there? Yes maybe 1 art and 1 music teacher per school, yet teachers have tenor, and maybe your so good you can sell your art or play music in a concert, but whats the reality for it to last too long? Stop blaming people that were smart to take up a REAL occupation and work hard and EARN their money instead of being envious of them.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

OWS leading to people getting laid off?

If you were an average business person and your walking around trying to find a good little pizzeria to grab a pizza, would you go to the pizzeria with all the protesters close by ranting & raving or would you walk a few extra blocks in order to avoid the chaos? Especially in a business suit  I don't think you would like to pass by OWS. Well that's the feelings of allot of business people working in the city. They want to try and avoid OWS as much as possible. I would be too I wouldn't want people yelling & harrasing me while I'm just trying to grab something to bite. Well if many people feel this way, how do you think those businesses are doing? Sure there's a ton of people in OWS that may be buying from any of the local stores but if they are fighting to get more money, what makes you think that they'll have enough to buy food or what not every day? Yeah not likely. So while OWS fights for their right for a job & money, they are not taking into account what they are doing to everyone around them. I personally find THEM to be selfish. Why do the businesses have to be punished for something that is not their fault. Some people had to even cut back their labor force in order to continue making a living, as seen on the video below.

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As you can see, in order for the business to continue doing better they have to put up baracades to protect the people. This is COMPLETETLY not necessary to have to go through all of this for the protestors of OWS. I just wonder if they understand that while they are "trying to do the right thing" they are hurting individuals just like them.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Sex, drugs & rock and roll" = Occupy Wall Street

Do you need drugs? Just go see one of the protesters at Occupy Wall Street
Looking for an easy love mate? Just go see one of the protesters at Occupy Wall Street
Want to play in a no name band that stinks? Just go see one of the bands at Occupy Wall Street

It has been recently noticed that there are some "activities" in the movement of Occupy Wall Street, I think they should be labeled "Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll Movement", because that is what it has become. The idea of people fighting for "inequality" has been thrown in the trash and now its just a hang out for people because its not like any of these kids actually know any statics of the reality or even why they are actually protesting. These young kids that are hanging out at the movement think its cool because celebrities like "Miley Cyrus" & "Kanya West" are supporting it, not realizing they are only doing it for publicity. Yet how can these kids realize it if they are just on drugs or thinking about sex or can not even hear because the music is too loud. According to an article in The Blaze,  "Among the banners and flags are now discarded packets of condoms, cigarettes and bottles of spirits, while naked youngsters happily get together with just sleeping bags covering their modesty." Honestly, how are you suppose to take ANYONE seriously that talks about this movement when this is the press that it is getting? Let alone the fact that I am biases because I am a business manager, how can this movement have any credibility now? 
Occupy Wall Street Spawns Sex, Drugs and Sanitary Concerns
If you were serious about this movement, you would not display yourself as so in front of EVERYONE there, have some diginity. I just find it completely wrong and feel sorry for these people that have to watch and be there. For those who were loyal to the movement, well thank kids like this to completely ruined it for your cause (not defending the cause) but even if you had a slight audience watching and suppporting Occupy Wall street, well now its all gone. 

Occupy Wall Street Spawns Sex, Drugs and Sanitary Concerns
Only one comment that I want to make to this picture is, how fucking un-american are you? Your disguisting and rude and this is why I would NEVER take this movement serious, because these are the type of people suppporting it. Goes to show that this is NOT serious and that most people, even those in the movement, are jokes and take it as a joke, so why would I take it seriously? 

Stop blaming the rich and be productive!

I have recently been looking up videos on peoples opinion on Occupy Wall Street. I am still flustered by peoples bitching and moaning that they deserve money and that its not fair that the top 1% has all the money. Im sorry but for those complaining, if you do not have a college degree, or even a high school degree... shut up! Its not the rich's fault that you decided  not to get a degree. Even if you do not have money, there are financial aid programs or cheaper schools where you can take out a loan and after college you can start to pay it off since you will be qualified for an "actual job". Also, before deciding your major, think for a minute and ask your self, "what is the reality of this job?" "do I realize how much money will be wasted if this does not work?" "what is the actuality that I will find a job once I graduate?" If your going to school for modeling, acting, art, music and the etc. bull shit majors realize that you have a SLIM chance of getting a job. For modeling and acting you need to have money to get into to make a portfolio and such so your not coming for a poor family. But for those taking "art" or "music", the only actual paying jobs for you would be being a music or an art teacher, which typically have such a slim chance of getting the job because there is only one position per school. My point being, it will take forever for you to actually find a job, if you ever do.

One video that I enjoyed watching is a video done by Adam Caolla, who has a lash out on his feelings on Occupy Wall street.

What I truly love about his video is the idea the development in "Envy" in America. He is correct, if we were not such assholes who were envious of each other we would not be so mad when someone else earns their success and not wish so terrible on them. You do not give the fattest man in America a trophy for being fat because its bad, so why should you give money to these people who did not work their ass in school and work their ass at work with their risk level. These guys on wall street are dealing with so much money, the money that is what is currently controlling the economy, if these guys were to stop working on the wall street we would all be fucked. So before you say you deserve that money and the rich are selfish and do not deserve it, go through the school they went through, the hours they studied and a day in their job and doing it RIGHT and you tell me if you would want someone to try and take it from you.