Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Now here are my 10 final Reasons why OWS IS WRONG!

Here are 10 reasons that I will finally be able to prove that OWS is WRONG!

1. Agenda- There is no exact agenda for this protest. Its more of a who is louder and can get more people to follow them type of protest, which also leads into a very corrupt, unorganized event.

2.  Celebrities- The only reason that OWS has gotten the friction it has is because some celebrities have come out to try and support them. Yet the OWS do not understand that they are only doing it for attention and publicity. HA! Do you honestly think they care? They will watch you and be there with you and then go home on their over $60,000 car and head right back to their mansions.

3.  Soros: George Soros is one of the men "supporting" the OWS. And is helping fund them or so he says he does. This man is billionaire! It is ridiculus how much money this man has! Do you really think a man with his stature cares about the homeless? He is probably getting a tax break for helping your sorry asses.

4. Arrests:  Does OWS realize that if they get arrested that they will have a HARDER time to get a job? Most jobs try not to hire people that have a prison history so do you realize its lowering your chance for a job? But that is what your fighting for, MORE JOBS.

5. Politics-As also stated in one of my other posts, many of the OWS protestors praise Obama, but do not realize that he is mainly the reason corporations have the power they have, he has not tried to stop it right? & Do they realize when they complain about the bailouts that it was Obama's administration and his decision to give the bailout to the big corporations? Probably not because they dont care about whats true they just want their voice heard.

6. Unpatriotic- Many people in the past have had such difficulties trying to get jobs yet none of them use to give up, they went to the lower paying jobs regardless how hard and terrible it was. Our generation is just getting lazy and stupid. Everyone wants everything handed to them ( speaking about those at the protest). Do you think that some one is just going to come to the protest and offer everyone a job? NO! You should never give up regardless how hard it is.

7. Extremists-  OWS protestors are not understanding what they are saying and how extreme it really is. None of them have actually gone to the computer and done their research. They would realize who is the 99% and who are the 1% and realize that they actually deserve that money.

8. Trash- It is disgusting how much of a mess that they have made! There are condoms everywhere and drugs everywhere. People are even taking a poop where ever they go. Now is that good?

9. Anti-Semitic- They are just completely changing their view of life and turning it being anti-semitic. They are joining the anti-zoinist tirades and thinking that Wall street is just a bunch of rich assholes that are thrown money. But trust me it isnt thrown to them. They worked for it.

10. Signs- Have you seen any of the signs that people have? Its ridiculous that some of them are either complete rubish and the others are just stupid! I cant believe what they say or how some of them dress. The crazier they look and talk the more that no one is going to take them seriously and the more they are going to be wasting your time.
To cut this all short, do NOT waste your time,  do NOT give up hope & realize that this is life, its a fight for the death, are you ready to fight and work hard? THEY DO IT!

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